The Green Panther’s (Green) Policy EAT GREEN – THINK GREEN – ACT GREEN

The Green Panther is a fresh, dynamic project whose main goal is to develop a more sustainable way of living in today’s urban reality by supporting and creating local alternatives, through the use of organic produce (local when available), recycled materials and by raising awareness.

Why Organic
You mean, beside the fact that it hasn’t been heavily sprayed with toxic chemicals…?! But since you brought it up… growing pesticide-free crops has a positive effect not just on our health, but also on local ecologies. The plants, trees, and animals that live close to crop fields all benefit from a pesticide/fertilizer-free environment, as well as the precious water that remains uncontaminated. These facts, among others, make an organic lifestyle an important step on the way to becoming a more sustainable community.

Why Local
Because we can!!! Perhaps not everything, but there are a a lot of things which are being produced here, especially during the spring and summer seasons. By consuming local produce, you are not only supporting your own economy but also helping to minimize unnecessary shipments which come from as far as California, Mexico, New Zealand, you name it… So whenever you have the choice we say go local!

Why Recycle
What once was a belief is today an established fact: our planet’s resources are finite and with the rhythm of consumption in this day and age it is necessary to develop our recycling capacity and learn how to re-use existing materials. We are polluting our planet big time by not recycling. Land fills are getting fuller everyday and some are becoming a hazard to their surroundings, polluting the air and ground water. And besides, recycling is becoming a real trend now so be cool and re-cycle!