West Island Cancer Center
Non Profit Wellness Center
West Island Cancer Wellness Centre (WICWC) is a registered charity dedicated to offering compassionate care and support to anyone experiencing cancer – either having it themselves or supporting someone with cancer. We are here from the moment of diagnosis right up to one year post-treatment.
When it comes to wellness and cancer treatment, we believe in a whole-person integrated approach. In other words, we view an individual as a whole entity, whose body and mind are interconnected. All of our programs and services focus on improving a person’s health and well-being by addressing one’s physical health (body), mental/psychological health (mind), and the mind-body (spiritual) needs of those living with cancer.
Through our wellness programs, our participants will find personal support, gain coping mechanisms, discover additional alternatives, and become better educated about their specific illness. This type of psychosocial care helps them gain more control of their lives, find strength, reduce feelings of isolation, and continue to foster hope, regardless of the stage of their disease.